Got Questions?

Got questions? See if you see them below!

How much do you charge per miles?

We charge $2.40 per miles, please note the customer is responsible for tolls.

When do I have to make my reservation?

Depending on your pickup location and drop off location; you must make your reservation at least 30 minutes prior.

If I book my trip online on a Sunday for the next day, how will I know my driver will be able to pick me up or not?

When you book your trip an automated email will be sent out to you with the details of the trip. Once you receive it there’s no need to worry; your driver will be available to pick you up at the pickup location that you indicated. 

Why is my debit or credit card information required to book?

We require customers to have their card on fill for no show protection. What that means is if you schedule a trip and you do not show without canceling at least 3hrs prior; we will then charge a no show fee.

Is there a late cancellation fee for online booking?

Yes, depending on the destination there is a cancellation fee and each one varies per service. Each trip must be cancelled at 3hrs prior to the scheduled pick up time to avoid a cancellation fee.

I have an early flight to the airport, what time would you guys suggest I book my ride to make sure I arrive at the airport on time? 

If your flight is a domestic flight, just like Orlando International Airport recommends; we recommend you book your ride to arrive at the airport at least 2hrs prior to the scheduled departure time; meaning when you arrive at the airport there needs to be at least 2hrs before you. If your flight is an international flight; we recommend at least 3hrs. You do not want to get caught up in traffic or stuck in line at the airport. If your flight is during the holidays; we recommend you arrive to the airport at an even earlier time. 

Do you provide a booster seat for children?

Yes, we provide our passengers with a booster seat.

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